Visit to Komet Italia

Lemgo, 26 September, 2023

Our shareholders, the members of our advisory board and our management, Stephan Köhler, Klaus Rübesamen and Markus Trachernach, are visiting our branch Komet Italia in Verona this week. The visit is to express our recognition of the great commitment shown by our Italian colleagues and their excellent contribution to the success of our Group.

Komet Italia, now headed by Leonardo Paganelli, has been an integral part of the Brasseler Group since 1986 and has become a driving force for our international growth. The new premises in Verona symbolise not only our steady growth but also our determination to invest in the future.

The visit is also to recognize the KometAcademy, a platform for training and congresses built and successfully run by Komet Italia. The Academy stands for innovation and excellence and has received great recognition, within and beyond our group of companies.

“We would like to thank all our colleagues at Komet Italia for their excellent performance and the Komet Academy team for their outstanding work. Together we will continue to set standards and make our contribution to innovation and excellence in the industry,” says Klaus Rübesamen. In its anniversary year, Team Komet Italia can be proud of what they have achieved. We look forward to many more years of joint success.

Press contact

Melanie Köhler
Corporate communication

Tel.: 0160 3447748