TOP 100 award ceremony: Brasseler accepts award

Lemgo, 23.06.2023

We have been awarded the TOP 100 innovation seal for the second time and once again, we count among the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany in 2023!

Stephan Köhler, Spokesman of the Management Board, accepted the congratulations of the jury at the German SME Summit in Augsburg on June 23: Science journalist and juror Ranga Yogeshwar congratulated us on our award.

The nationwide TOP 100 innovation competition is based on a scientific selection process and evaluates the innovative strength of medium-sized companies.

Our innovation management was rated as exceptionally professional and benchmark-setting. We particularly impressed the jurors in the category “Innovative processes and organization”.

We are proud to receive the award for the second time in a row. Compared to 2022, we were even able to increase our innovation quotient by 4 points; it currently stands at 188. “This figure is very high and indicates an above-average degree of professionalization in innovation management,” says Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke.

“The renewed award of the TOP 100 innovator seal of German SMEs confirms our successful corporate development,” says Stephan Köhler. “This seal was awarded is recognition of the commitment of all employees who share the same ambition and courage to innovate, question routines and help develop change.”

We see innovation as an opportunity to shape the future of medical technology together.

Press contact

Laura Fuchs
Corporate communication

Phone: +49 151 54087468