Brasseler inspires young people at information day about apprenticeships

On Friday, June 16, we opened our doors to give schoolchildren from the region a comprehensive insight into the wide range of apprenticeships in our industry. The info day was a great success – We welcomed numerous interested young people and their parents to the Lemgo company premises.

“We want to motivate students to find out about apprenticeships in medical technology at an early stage, whether in the technical or commercial field,” explains Björn Hartmann, HR Manager. “The concept of our Info Day also offers the opportunity to discover your own talents and interests.”

To this end, we offered our guests, who included some employees with their children, a varied program and set up numerous information stations where young people could learn about various apprenticeship professions in a hands-on way.

“Discover your possibilities”

Tours offered those interested in technology authentic insights into the development of innovative medical products through to the maintenance and servicing of machinery and equipment. In our training workshop, the young people were able to “lend a hand” themselves and, for example, assemble modules, solder a cube and carry out CAD exercises. Commercial training was presented in the school center. Here, for example, process flows in the administrative area were simulated and the visitors could design a landing page for a medical product themselves.

At the “Virtual Reality” station, the young people were able to take on the role of a dentist in a VR game and simulate patient treatment with dental instruments from our Komet brand in virtual space.

Bernd Strate, technical training manager, emphasized the personal contribution of our trainees to the organization and implementation of the event: “Our trainees were responsible for the respective stations and guided tours and were personal contact persons for the guests. Our experience confirms that students speak more openly and at eye level with our trainees. We are very pleased that the visitors consistently tell us how strongly the passion and joy of our apprentices can be experienced in the conversations.”

Timon Buchmüller, cutting machine operator apprentice from the 2nd year of training, confirmed enthusiastically. “It was a very successful afternoon. The atmosphere was very relaxed and the exchange between visitors and apprentices or trainers really good. I thought it was great that, in addition to those interested in an apprenticeship at Brasseler, friends and family members were also able to get a glimpse of our apprenticeship and the company Gebr. Brasseler in general.”

Apprenticeship at Brasseler

We strive to promote young talent and offer them qualified training and exciting career prospects. We also attach great importance to practical training, where trainees are supervised by experienced specialists and can participate in various departments of our company.

With events such as the Info Day, we want to help arouse young people’s interest in the technical and commercial apprenticeships in medical technology and prepare them for a successful career in this dynamic and promising industry.

Interested students who were prevented from attending on June 16 or who would like more information about the apprenticeships at Brasseler can find out more about the various training opportunities on our training website at

Press contact

Laura Fuchs
Corporate communication

Phone: +49 151 54087468