
European elections | Together for a strong Europe

European elections | Together for a strong Europe

We firmly believe that democracy, freedom and equality are essential prerequisites for our prosperity. We therefore urge all citizens to make use of their democratic right to vote and to take part in the European elections on June 9.

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European elections | This concerns all of us

European elections | This concerns all of us

In the European elections on June 9, we – each and every one of us – will lay the foundation for our future in Europe and in Germany. We firmly believe that diversity makes us strong. Right-wing extremism, racism and xenophobia, which equals human phobia, have no place in our society.

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Panel discussion | Beyond Bloodlines

Panel discussion | Beyond Bloodlines

How can the constellation of owner family and entrepreneurship be successfully shaped with a “non-family managing director”? This question was discussed by Stephan Köhler and family entrepreneur Patrick Campbell at a panel discussion on the international Global Summit 2024 “THE PATHWAY TO GOOD” on May 16.

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Brasseler donates dental instruments to South Africa

Brasseler donates dental instruments to South Africa

As a MedTech company, we want to contribute to improving healthcare worldwide. We firmly believe that our commitment has a long-term positive impact on global society. On the initiative of our owner Anke Niehus, we recently donated Komet instruments for dental treatments to a South African elementary school and daycare center in Paternoster (Western Cape).

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Podcast | Dental family businesses | Brasseler / Komet – who are the people behind the business?

Podcast | Dental family businesses | Brasseler / Komet – who are the people behind the business?

We were guests on two episodes of the podcast “Praxisflüsterer” by and with Christian Henrici. In the first episode, Stephan Köhler gives exciting insights into his personal career and the special features of our company, which he joined around 7 years ago and now manages as spokesman for the management board. You want to find out why he sees conflicts as valuable, what he considers to be “typically Brasseler” and how he sees the future of family businesses in Germany? Then listen in now! (German only). You can also find the episode on Spotify, iTunes and further podcast portals.

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Success, strategy and leadership excellence

Success, strategy and leadership excellence

Last Wednesday, all managers of the Brasseler company met at the Phoenix Contact Arena in Lemgo. The company’s values are the foundation of its strategic success. True to the motto “Process excellence requires leadership excellence”, the managers reflected the employee and management guidelines developed upon the values.

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Press contact

Laura Fuchs
Corporate communication

Phone +49 (0) 151 54087468